Thursday, November 28, 2019


My only complaint is that the album could have been a bit more varied. I lay here listening to the sounds of rebel counterstrikes and long for resolve; noble men and women like you and me, that disapprove of the current state of metal. Time is running out… Shellee: This hi-tech trio resembles an updated Coroner on the scathing title track, adding an updated flair via electronic enhancement that is relevant as well as potently inspired. Samples surface in every track and give off a computer-speak ambiance. Together, these super powers have swiftly brought the end. scorngrain cyberwarmachine

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Controlled from the shadows by those who are only slightly less mindless than themselves, the MetalCorps strike teams have invaded and seized once reliable allies such as Century Media and Nuclear Blast. We go to bed at night hoping that the nightmare will end, only to awaken in the morning and discover that the Cygerwarmachine troops have somehow further fortified.

If you were to take a look at a picture of the future, you would find that there is no future. Write your own sdorngrain.

Scorngrain – Wikipedia

Layered with galloping riffs and computer programming, CyberWarMachine is a blackened industrial thrash injection of life into the dying, core-infested metal world. Samples surface in every track and give off a computer-speak ambiance. I have a review to write. scorngrainn

Together, these super powers have swiftly brought the end. Other bands, most notably The Kovenant, have combined electronics with more abrasive metal as well, bit Scorngrain do so in a manner that is more firmly rooted in traditional metal sounds, instead opting to use technology to enhance their metal sound as opposed to adding a few distorted riffs to music of a purely electronic nature.

My only complaint is that the album could have been a bit more varied. Bands alphabetical country genre Labels alphabetical country Reviews R. Was it cyberwarmachind dream? While one band alone cannot erase an entire movement, other acts can follow the example set by Scorngrain and play what they want to play, not what they think they need to play.

Scorngrain Cyberwarmachine (Album)- Spirit of Metal Webzine (cn)

We tried to stop them, but the MetalCorps armies sprang into action in unprecedented numbers and are multiplying as we speak. Just a bit after eleven. I saw it, Shellee! On occasion the band cuberwarmachine harness a sort of Bodom-ish orchestra hit, but it is far more subtle than what you typically hear from their fellow countrymen.

scorngrain cyberwarmachine

Wha… What is it? All those women and children innocently cut down for not… dramatic pause …Shit, what time is it? Vocals are generally of the very raspy black metal kind, but there are moments where normal death and clean vocals come into play.


All is gone and hope is but a fleeting memory. Though they are not the most diverse set of musicians, their ideas are at least somewhat innovative; a quality that seems to be in short supply these days. HarleyAtMetalReviewJune 27th, CyberWarMachine cyberwaemachine a breath of fresh air for those of xcorngrain who are choking on the pollution of the dime-a-dozen metalcore acts that always seem to make their way to the forefront of metal.

I saw it through their eyes!

Time is running out… Shellee: Without coming off as imitators, Scorngrain manage to bring the same type of effect enhanced sound as bands like Fear Factory and Sybreed, often being reminiscent of a sound cross between the two futuristic metal ensembles. Best viewed without Internet Explorer, in x resolution or higher. I lay here listening to the sounds of rebel counterstrikes and long for resolve; noble men and women like you and me, that disapprove of the current cyberwarmachinr of metal.

This hi-tech trio resembles an updated Coroner on the scathing title track, adding an updated flair via electronic enhancement that is relevant as well as potently inspired.

scorngrain cyberwarmachine

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